March 16, 2017 |  | blog, Removal / Deportation

Know Your Rights: If ICE Visits Your Home All people living in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, have certain U.S. Constitutional rights. If you are undocumented and immigration (ICE) agents knock on your door, know that you have the following rights: You do ...

December 12, 2016 |  | blog, Criminal Immigration, Removal / Deportation

Effective January 1, 2017, a new California law will ease the requirements for immigrants seeking to vacate their criminal convictions on substantive grounds. Under California Penal Code section 1473.7, non-citizens will be permitted to file a motion to vacate a conviction or sentence ...

April 11, 2016 |  | blog, Criminal Immigration, Detention, Immigration Court

In many cases, immigrants detained by Immigration Customs and Enforcement (“ICE”) can request a bond hearing before an Immigration Judge and seek release from immigration custody. In determining whether or not to grant an immigration bond request, the Immigration Judge must first ...

April 11, 2016 |  | blog, Criminal Immigration, Detention, Immigration Court

En la mayoría de los casos, los inmigrantes detenidos por la Aduana y Control ("ICE") Inmigración puede solicitar una audiencia de fianza ante un juez de inmigración y buscar la liberación de la custodia de inmigración. Al determinar si procede o no conceder una solicitud de fianza ...

April 5, 2016 |  | blog, Criminal Immigration, Detention, Immigration Court, Removal / Deportation

Junior Francisco, a native and citizen of the Dominican Republic is the spouse of a United States Citizen and father of three minor children (all of whom were born in the U.S.). In 2008, Francisco (who initially arrived in the U.S. in 2003) obtained lawful permanent status through an ...